Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Chuck takes a lot of flack on this blog, but today I'd like to wish him a very Happy Father's Day and share a little about why he's a great dad.

I could mention that he tells his kids he loves them every single day or that he builds some of the sweetest Hot Wheels tracks I've ever seen, but I think I'd like to share another story. One that shows his preferred discipline style - Getting Even.

One hot afternoon, Ben and Evie were playing in a wading pool in our backyard. While they were refilling the pool, Ben splashed Evie with the hose. The next thing I know, Chuck said, "Don't worry, I got him back."


Apparently, he watched Ben splash Evie, took the hose from him, and sprayed Ben in the face. Personally, I prefer to strive for a totally splash-free play date, and I find splashing someone who is basically one-fourth your size to be essentially assault.

But Chuck didn't think twice about it and defended his decision by pointing out that Ben did stop spraying Evie after he "disciplined" him. So, here's to Chuck's (and dads everywhere) unique style of discipline. Thanks for letting kids know there is someone bigger and tougher out there who won't hesitate to "show you how it feels".

Chuck, World's Greatest Dad, and the judges:
Baby Doo-Dan-A and Bean.

I'd also like to wish my dad a Happy Father's Day. Thank you for always encouraging me to do my best. Thank you for singing commercial jingles off-key, cheating at footraces and unwittingly sharing my childhood bowl trouble with my friends in high school (teenage girls are totally mature enough to talk about constipation).

Thank you for all the funny letters through college (I still have them). Thank you for not killing me when I backed the Grand Am into the garage crushing the brand-new siding. Thank you for being there for me when Blake died. Thank you for baptizing me and teaching me to listen to the Holy Spirit.

Most of all, thank you for loving me and my children. You're a great dad and I'm glad you're mine.

An exceptional dad right out of the gates. I truly
couldn't ask for more.