Thursday, August 15, 2013

Singing a New Song

It has been way too long since I updated this blog, but I can only start right where I am. And today was a sweet day.

Susanna singing her song.
While I was pregnant with Susanna, I constantly had the hymn He Leadeth Me on my heart. I listened to dozens of versions and found myself singing it daily.

Then when my mom passed away, it became even more special to me. I felt like even though I couldn't see where I was going, God was leading me and I was safe. Susanna was only two months old when Mom died and I found myself singing it to her as I nursed her. The year passed and the song was replaced with a new anthem.

But today, little Miss Susanna sang He Leadeth Me. We were in the car and I heard her baby version of this familiar tune. She definitely had the melody and and got about half of the words. She was singing along with a CD, but it seemed like she finally found words for the melody in her heart. It was so sweet.

I hope this song will be the theme of her life and by waters calm or troubled sea, she'll trust and follow God's gentle hand. I love you, sweet daughter.

And just in case you're not familiar with this song, here is one of my favorite versions.