Monday, January 30, 2012

Susanna Update

Susanna is almost nine months old and a little spit-fire these days.

Susanna and Chuck at Animal Kingdom.
She's crawling, pulling up and even cruising a little. She's not super fast at crawling yet, but she's determined and moves with purpose. She seems to think huffing and puffing like a scary stalker helps.

She has two bottom teeth and likes to use them on carrots and avocado.

She's also babbling a whole lot these days. She says: mama, dada, baba and once looked me in the eye and said, "Mom." It almost sounded like she was annoyed with me and I'm a little scared of what the future holds.

Her hair is losing some of it's baby softness and that makes me sad. It's getting thicker and starting to feel like hair. And even though she's still a long way from a first haircut, here's a little gem I found on my mom's computer.

Ben looking cross-eyed and crazy for his very first hair cut :)

Just like her namesake, she loves animals and squeals with delight when she sees Gary or Brandy. She crawls over to Gary and pounds him in jubilation, her sticky little fists collecting clumps of cat fur. Then she freezes, concentrates, sticks out one tiny forefinger and thumb and waits...  What's she doing? It looks like she's planning something, but you can't tell what she's looking at.

With lightning speed, she strikes like a snake. She's got one white whisker in her little pinchers and she's pulling it as fast as she can to her mouth.

Ha! Gary's met his little orange match. I'm embarrassed to say, but Gary makes me so crazy that I usually just let her abuse him.

In any case, Susanna is sweet and sassy and sure making us happy. Little Miss, your daddy says that you're as funny as you are pretty. We love you, Sugar!

Surviving the rain at Epcot January 2012

Ben and Susanna at Micah and Brittany's
wedding Jan. 7, 2012. That's Sprite in
Ben's cup.

Banana hates her car seat so much that when
she finally falls asleep she's literally
hanging on for dear life.