Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dear Baby Hank

My Dear Sweet Hanky Baby,

You are four and a half months old and such a sweet blessing to our family. We all love you so much!

Every day Ben, Susanna and Daddy want to look at you, talk with you, snuggle you, and basically just be with you. They want to be with you because as Baba Jack says, "Hank is pretty good company."

I want to tell you a little about your sweet baby self. This is partly because I don't want to forget these sweet moments :)

First, you are a cheerful baby and you smile all the time! If anyone - family or a stranger - smiles at you, you look them right in the eye and grin back. You give such sweet ear-to-ear smiles.

You also love to laugh! You have this contagious belly laugh that we all love to hear!

It started out when I was kissing your belly. I rubbed my nose in your ribs and you laughed and it was beautiful!

Then, I started touching our foreheads together. You thought that was hilarious. Then you thought it was funny when anyone touched foreheads. It seems like you find Susanna especially entertaining and already have a great sense of humor!

This makes sense because you don't cry often. You pretty much only cry if you are lonely, really tired or really really hungry. Although, Susanna tells everyone she meets, "This is our baby, Hank. He cries a lot."

But the truth is you are a cheerful content little babe. Actually, when you're hungry, instead of crying, you do one of three things: click your tongue, wiggle into position, or lick your hand or my shirt. 

It's nice to see you communicate without tears. And you seem to know several words already. It seems like you know milk, kiss and Mama.

When you do cry, sometimes it sounds Iike you say, "Mama." I am not the only one who heard this, Miss Sarah heard it too.

Sometimes I will ask you for a kiss and you wrap one little arm around my neck and plant a wet one right on my face. You basically lick my cheek. 

These sweet kisses seem intentional because you often give them when I pick you up from a nap, or when I say, "Kiss."

You kiss Ben, Susanna and me, so far you won't kiss Daddy's rough face. He has too many whiskers.

You do love your daddy though. He holds you while he's watching sports and you watch the TV for a bit, then look up at him and smile. You seem content just to be with him.

Actually, that's how I would describe your whole personality. You are a content, cheerful, delightful little baby and we are thankful to have you in our family every single day. 

And although we are looking forward to getting to see more of your personality, we really love this sweet sweet baby season. 

Daddy says, "It's nice to have a baby in the house again." And Susanna says, "He's a nice baby, wight?" And Benny says, "He's the best little guy!" 

Yeah, we love you so so so very much Hanky Baby!
