Monday, December 20, 2010

It's a... Boy?

One of the best parts of pregnancy is the crazy dreams. Some of my friends have had prophetic dreams telling them that they were going to have a boy or girl.

I never have those dreams. My dreams include giving birth to an 80-pound baby and buying a special wagon to transport the giant. Sometimes I'm fighting guerrillas in South America. Sometimes I'm performing with Shamu at Sea World - it's all usually very adventurous.

But last night, my dreams took a different turn. I dreamt that Ben told me, "It's a boy, Mama." I asked how he knew but he offered no more explanation. Then, our whole family went to the sonogram appointment, but we forgot to ask if the baby's gender. So I called and the technician said, "I can't give out that information over the phone, but expect more of the same." I tried to clarify, "You mean we're having another boy?" But the technician only said, "I can neither confirm nor deny."

As with most dreams, it seemed to make more sense right when I woke up. I was sure this dream was telling me that we are having a boy, but now that I write it out, it seems like this dream matches the usual crazy ramblings of my subconscious. Did I mention that a significant portion of this dream was spent looking for tiny magic shoes? Does the fact that they were Keds make it worse?

The jury is split on this decision. Many people - including my MIL, father and one emphatic friend - think this baby is a girl. Also, MS's psychic rock thinks the baby is girl. However, the hillbilly pencil test and Chuck think the baby is a boy.

Well, 1:30 can't come soon enough today. We'll know soon and then the name fighting can commence.

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