Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's Makes Craft-siz

Ben is a funny child and always marches to his own drum. He often seems like a late bloomer in one area, but will master a skill truly overnight.

We have had an art-filled summer. Almost everyday, both children draw, paint, cut and generally make "craft-siz".

Most of the summer Ben has just been painting coloring pages with broad strokes with a color he likes or filling page after page with these funny little shapes.
Every inch of the paper must be covered!

He created dozens of these shape pages and then, the very next day he drew this. A rabbit holding a carrot in a forest. (His words not mine.) And here's a big box of apples and carrots to share with his friends. 
The rabbit is standing in deep deep grass,
but it's not done yet.


You can draw actual pictures?

Of actual things?

So what's with all the shapes?

Then he drew this little treasure. It's titled Daddy at the Beach. I hope you can see Chuck's serious face and the sun blazing in top left corner.

It looks like Chuck is having a super time.
Ben is such a serious person, I wonder if these non-smiling straight-lipped pictures give a glimpse into how he feels. I hope not.

Last we did some finger painting. We mixed colors and made lots and lots of pictures. I drew a kitty and Susanna said, "Ooohhh a piggy!" That masterpiece is safely filed in the recycle bin. 

Ben drew his name, a butterfly, and more shapes :)

I want to figure out a way to put this in his room.
He made lot of cool "craft-siz" at Vacation Church School and one matched our living room so well we hung it up. I will have to take a picture and update this post. I promise to do that soon.

This is a canvas. Ben painted the colors - they could paint
anything they wanted. And Michelle, our VCS
Art Teacher, stenciled the scripture. 

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