Friday, April 4, 2014

Royals Home Opener

We look forward to the Royals Home Opener every year. We usually begin our countdown the day after the last game of the season. It's always a long winter.

We laid our Royals gear out last night and as I helped Susanna get dressed this morning, I told her, "Let's wear your Billy Butler shirt today."

She burst into tears.


"That's my shirt! It's not Billy's. Billy can't have my shirt!"

Toddler logic is always so puzzling.

1. There's no way Billy can squeeze into your tiny pink shirt.
2. There's pretty much no way that we're going to bump into Billy Butler.
3. Even if we did, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would take a shirt off toddler's back.

I didn't say any of those things. I just promised her Billy wouldn't take her shirt. That seemed to settle her heart.

While I was fixing her hair, I asked, "Sus, do you know any Royals players?"

"Bil-wee But-whur."

"Mike u-sockis."

"Ummm....  Sluggerrr?"

We tailgated as a family enjoying some veggies and hotdogs.

We enjoyed the first four innings. Ben seemed delighted to see his favorite players back at the plate.

Then we headed to the Little K where Ben made a friend, batted like a beast, and shagged about 100 balls in the outfield.

Susanna batted too and then ran the bases... Backwards :)

It was a long game - three and a half hours. It was a cold game - mid-forties, overcast and windy. But the kids were troopers and cheered on their Royals to a 7-5 win!

We love the time together as a family and with my dad and brother. Here is a crummy family pic, but hopefully there will be many more opportunities to come.

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