Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions and Such

I love new beginnings and always love making resolutions - even in the middle of the year. This year, I have a long list of things I'd like to accomplish, but only two real resolutions.

1. Go to bed earlier. This means in bed by 10:00 and sleeping by 10:30.
2. Have daily devotions with Ben.

There are lots and lots of things I'd like to do this year: trim our budget and save more, deliver a healthy baby naturally, make a smooth transition from a three-person family to a four-person family, keep better track of birthdays, exercise four times a week, and yes, even blog more. But I really believe all these things will fall into place if I simply resolve to do these two things.

Going to bed earlier is off to a great start. Last night Ben got up (for the first time) at 11:00. Chuck said I was so out of it when I went to get him that I couldn't even make a sentence. Even though it was probably a little dangerous for me to lift Ben out of his crib, I still consider this a win.

As far as daily devotions go, I'm still ironing out the details. I'm using a book Ben picked out, yes I'm one of those parents who let their kid grab stuff at the store and then I buy it. It's called Jesus is My Friend and it's by Instant: Bible Lessons for toddlers.

I've divided the chapters into two-week lessons through then end of April and Easter. We'll do one of the activities weekly (probably on Monday or Wednesday), but every day we'll pray, sing a simple song or rhyme, and read one scripture. I'm still searching for our daily scriptures, but we're well on our way.

Ending at the end of April seems like a dangerous time because that's when the new baby is due. It seems like it will be easy to let this just fall by the wayside, but I don't want to spend a lot of time planning in the wrong direction. I'll have to just evaluate at the end of March and try to plan through the end of the year then.

One last change. I've never really liked the name of this blog and so I'm going to change it for 2011. I've been coming up with some pretty awful ideas, but wanted to give both my readers a chance to weigh in.

To properly name something, you have to understand it's function and the function of this blog is to keep a record of this time in my life (my family with small children and their antics) and hopefully entertain its readers. So, here are some of my ideas:

Using our Names:
  1. My Life with Chuck (this was suggested by a friend who thought Chuck was hilarious - albeit unintentionally)
  2. Enderle Anecdotes
  3. The Adventures of Ben and Gary (a little sad because it leaves the new baby out)

Using Anecdotes: I like the word anecdotes because that's exactly what I'm doing - telling short, true stories that generally end with a lesson learned.
  1. Amusing Anecdotes
  2. Entertaining Anecdotes
  3. Insignificant Anecdotes
  4. Inaccurate Anecdotes
  5. Mostly Accurate Anecdotes
  6. Undefined Anecdotes
  7. Entertaining Anecdotes Staring Unwilling Actors

With a tag line: I like tag lines - they give dimension to the title and I have to confess, sometimes I stretch the truth just a little bit.
  1. Enderle Anecdotes - a Childhood Survival Guide
  2. Enderle Anecdotes and Other Mostly True Stories
  3. My Life with Chuck - based on a true story (or loosely based on a true story)
  4. The Adventures of Ben and Gary - also loosely based on a true story
Popular Phrases:
  1. Small Potatoes
  2. Tall Tales
  3. Tall Tales about Small Potatoes (ok, now I'm just tired)

Please keep in mind that I am awful at naming things: think back to Gary and Benny. I need to go to bed to keep my first resolution. Thanks for the help and not judging me too harshly.


  1. I'd like to add to the list: Home on the Range - Life at the Enderle Ranch

    My favorite from your list above: Enderle Anecdotes and Other Mostly True Stories

    And a nice combination of both: Home on the Range - Enderle Anecdotes and Other Mostly True Stories

  2. Oooh Sarah, I like the write-in votes! I think I might add Bean Soup to the list too.
