Today I took Ben to a preschool screening and found out that he qualifies for speech therapy. I can't say that I'm surprised. Yesterday a two-year-old told Ben, "It's not a taw-wee; it's a tower." But I am a little disappointed.
I'm not upset that my son needs extra help and I don't feel like we have a negative label, but I like his funny little words and I'm not ready to let go of them. (I know, this is super-selfish.) But once they're gone, they're gone forever and that makes me sad.
Even without speech therapy, I've known this day was coming. Lately, Ben's been calling himself "Bun." I laughed at first, mostly because he yelled it when he was crying, "Waaahhh! Bun!!"
Secondly, what's up with the food theme?
- Bun
- Bean
- Beany Coco Chicky Nono
At first I thought Ben simply couldn't pronounce his name and that he's lucky his name isn't "Gabriel" or "Alexander." But it turns out that "Bun" is just a stepping stone to actually saying "Ben". Shortly after "Bun" showed up, he started saying "Ben" once or twice a day and I know it's just a matter of time before the "Bens" outnumber the "Beans". Then one day he'll just stop saying it altogether.
I won't even get a heads up to treasure the last time I hear his little voice call himself "Bean". We'll just realize that he hasn't said it in a couple of days, then it'll set in that he's growing up and out of that phase and I'll probably have an irrational meltdown.
I know I'm being silly, but I love his voice and language. It's a funny mix because he's so sure of himself and speaks with such conviction, but he's usually talking crazy.
Here are some "Bean" Examples:
- Bean do it. (I hear this 50 times a day regarding anything from making coffee to putting on his shoes.)
- Bean do it all Bean-self. (You get this little gem if you insist on doing something he said he wants to do.)
- Bean need my work. (Work is pronounced "whork" and it's a little spiral-bound book in which he makes tiny squiggles with a Mickey Mouse pen.)
- No kiss Bean! (I should know better at this point, but I don't.)
- Bany (Brandy) licking Bean chair! (Well, you're the one who let's 30 percent of the food that touches your lips fall to the floor.)
- Watch this Mama, 'Beany Coco Chicky Nono.' (Did you give yourself a nickname? Yeah. It's kind-of long, but I like it.)
- Change Bean diapy. (We just sat on the potty!)
- Bean all done. (Wait Benny. Please just try to go pee pee. I know you can do it. No! Bean all done!!)
- Bean! (Usually used when he's picked up against his will.)
- Watch this Mama, Bean touching my pee pee. (Uh... ok.)
"Mama, you need come in my op-ip." |
Beany Coco Chicky Nono, please don't grow up too quickly.