Thursday, March 29, 2012

Name 10...

Chuck was out playing church-league softball during dinner so he had to fend for himself when he got home. He was hungry and fussy so he when he found an empty butter box in the fridge, he lost it.

Chuck: I need marg-a-rine! (He seriously pronounces margarine like that.) Who put an empty marg-a-rine box back in the fridge?! I know you did it. (I, of course, deny it.) Oh, so Susanna did it?

Jackie: We have more butter, I'll get it for you. And by the way, we don't eat fake fats like marg-a-rine in this house.

Chuck: We don't eat enough lard in this house. (Seems like a pretty big jump, but I guess lard is a real fat that I don't ever purchase.)

Jackie: If you can name 10 foods you'd use lard in, I'll buy it.

Chuck: Icing.

Jackie: One.

Chuck: Frying.

Jackie: Two

Chuck: Frying burritos. Fried chimichangas. French fried fries.

Jackie: You're still at two. You can't just name fried foods that you like.

Chuck: Fried chicken. Fried chicken patties. Fried chicken nuggets. Fried chicken tenders. Fried chicken tenderloin. What am I up to now?

Jackie: Two.

Don't tell him, but if I counted his way, he'd only need one more.

Chuck only likes "Man-food". His perfect meal would
be steak with a side of bacon.

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh. Tim is usually the one who doesn't replace things and I am the one upset about it.
