Even though it was a mild winter, it still seems like we've been waiting for spring forever! That's partly because three-year-olds have no concept of time.
We went to the very last Royals home game of the season last year - September 21st - and Ben has asked, "Yet go Ro-Ro game one more time," almost every single day since.
- He wrote a song. "One, two, bee. One, two, bee. Yet go Ro-Ro game."
- He asks if "Ro-Ro Stadium" is open every Wednesday when we pass it on our way to NAET treatments.
- He was briefly deterred by Christmas, but then my dad bought partial season tickets and rekindled both Chuck and Ben's excitement.
- Then Chuck told him spring training started. Sigh.
We decided to venture into league athletics, and basically started the same process with soccer.
- We decided to sign up with friends. "Where we going, Mama? Play soccer Ryder Weston?"
- We saw cousin Chaise play at the Independence Events Center. "Bean play?"
- I forgot to mail our check in, so Ben and I dropped it off the very last day. "Bean play soccer?"
- We went to buy cleats, shin guards and socks. "Bean play soccer?"
Today was FINALLY the day. He got up from his nap and got ready for soccey game!
The Cheetahs. Roar! |
Ben waiting his turn. |
Goal! |
This is how Susanna spent the evening. |
Ben sad his soccer practice is over. |
In fact, he was so sad, he's currently sleeping with his new soccer ball. Here's to a fun season! Let's go Cheetahs!
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