Cecilee and Jason are tying the knot New Year's Eve and this past weekend we celebrated Cecilee's bachelorette party Lake of the Ozarks style. That includes spending most of the day in your swim suit and wearing your "dressy" flip flops out.
Here are the Top 10 Reason why Cecilee's party was awesome.
10. Fashion Show! We hit the outlet malls Saturday morning and Arti and Melissa put on one heck of a fashion show in Lane Bryant. Sarah and I worked the dressing room managing traffic and suggesting sale items to all patrons. This is doubly awesome because Arti is fun to shop with and she came all the way from Hoboken "no jokin" NJ.
9. We discovered that the mini van is an excellent road trip vehicle. On the way home, Melissa and Sarah enjoyed "The Hangover" listening through wireless headphones while Arti and I visited.

8. A chubby little kid scolded me for stealing his tube. We were told it was abandoned and did lots of awesome tricks until an eight-year-old who looked a lot like Chunk from "Goonies" said, "Um...can we have our tube back?" The "What kind of a person steals a child's pool toy" was implied.

7. Even though Cory's flight was canceled on Thursday morning, he drove 24 hours round trip to make Cecilee's party. We're glad he was there to accidentally drop cigarette butts on other condo tenants, take surprise pictures with Sarah's camera and keep us in line with his signature phrase "get a grip" and the "What kind of a person (fill in the blank here)" was implied.

6. Willy made an appearance. I think he's been hibernating in Sarah's attic, but he's free again and ready to be passed on to the next Bearcat walking down the isle...Melissa?

5. Our cab driver also delivers pizzas. Although his car smelled like anchovies, I have to tip my hat to such a hard-working person. I love living in the mid-wast and encountering an honest work ethic.
4. I left Ben for the very first time. Ben is very cute and it was hard to go, but he had a great time with Chuck, Nanny Barbra and Papa Curtis. I don't think he even missed me, which is a little sad, but also means that he's a happy independent, trusting person and I'm thankful for that.

3. Other bachelor/bachelorette parties made the night memorable. We met some bachelors who shared pictures of their kids with me and we met a bachelorette who jealously pawed at Cecilee's engagement ring. She also had some awesome dance moves, tambourines, invited her mom and future mother-in-law and a blow up doll named Pedro to her party. This girl was a whole lot of fun.

2. Danielle created a game that kept us laughing through dinner. She asked Jason questions about Cecilee and their relationship and Cecilee had to answer the questions exactly how Jason answered them. We found out that Cecilee and Jason both remember their first date vividly (which is really sweet) and that Jason thinks Cecilee is most attracted to his rear end. Despite some set backs, it appears Cecilee got more than 60 percent minimum correct and is still free to marry Jason (Cory's rules).
1. Cecilee had a great time! She hit the outlet malls, soaked up some sun, danced the night away and told someone grilling hotdogs that she was a Wiener Auditor. Cec, we hope you know we love you and hope you really did have a great weekend!

Although we had a great time, this weekend was not without obstacles. At times it seemed as if even mother nature was against us. An unseasonable cold front came through and the sky was peppered with "panda-jerk" clouds as Sarah calls them. Only Katie, who opted for SPF 8, got any sun.
We also had a heck of a time getting a cab Saturday night. Apparently, there's a super secret spot to hail cabs near Toad Cove. I cannot disclose the exact coordinates of this location, but suffice to say it's a hike.
Katie and I failed to successfully channel Victoria Beckham and look beautifully angry in pictures. Even after practicing in the bathroom mirror, I only managed to look confused and Katie looks like she's scolding someone for stealing a pool toy.

So, Katie and Danielle thank you for planning an excellent weekend. Arti and Cory, thank you for traveling so far to celebrate. Sarah, thank you for the pictures (all photo credits by Sarah Gravlin). Melissa thanks for the most inappropriate gift (as this blog is G-rated I cannot describe it, but it was funny). And Cecilee, thanks for getting married! We really hope you had the best time!