I'm always a tiny bit envious of those moms whose children always look so put together. Their daughters' ponytails are perfect and their sons' sleeves are jam-free.
Ben never looks that put together. He always has bed-head by the end of the day there's definitely food on his clothes.
For a while I blamed him, but now I realize this is my fault. I found this picture yesterday while I was looking for photos of Sharkey. I remember this day. We were totally out of clean clothes and hadn't purchased a fall jacket yet. So Ben ended up wearing this lovely outfit.
Yes, he's is wearing horizontally striped pants, smurf-blue socks, and a fleece dog jacket complete with a bone for a zipper. And yes, I dressed him. Although, when our babysitter mentioned his outfit, I told her Chuck picked it out and we both had a good laugh.
Just like anything else, looking neat and tidy takes planning, specifically planning to do the laundry. In this case, I failed to do that. It also takes planning to purchase the appropriate outerwear for the season. I also failed to do this.
So, as I was riffling though his drawers and weighing our options - the pants you see or swim trunks - I was faced with the choice: Do I let my son look good and be cold, or be warm and look bad? I chose warmth over fashion... and opted to photograph his misfortune.

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