Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin

The Olympics are always exciting. It's fun to think that the entire world is participating in the same event and it's amazing to see what these athletes are capable of.

This morning Chuck lamented that the games will be broadcast during CST. At some point, I'm sure I'll learn to stop asking why, but I just haven't learned this lesson yet. I'm like a dog that keeps running into the invisible fence - buzz.

He proceeded to tell me that he couldn't pretend to be an Olympic expert and reminded me of one of our first fights. It seems fitting to remember giant fights the day before Valentines Day, so here we go.

The summer games were in full swing back in 2004 and Athens was playing host to the event. This is significant, because that meant events took place approximately 20 hours before they were broadcast in good ol' Independence.

Chuck had spent the previous week reading Olympic results before he watched the broadcast with me. He'd then make predictions, or spout off lesser-known rules of swimming guidelines saying things like, "I think that was an illegal turn. He's going to be disqualified."

Sure enough, all of his predications came to pass. I thought he was an Olympic genius. We had barely been dating a year and I was young and foolishly in love, hence my hanging on his every word.

We were having dinner with friends and I was really talking him up. "Chuck is so smart. He knew the favorite was going to be disqualified."

They played along for a while, "Really?"

"Oh yeah, he's guessed almost every single event correctly. I can't believe he knows so much about the Olympics!"


"What's going on?"

Someone finally let me in on the secret and I was hot. "You're not a Olympic genius, you're a lying genius!" Five and half years later I find his deception more amusing. Yes, I'm an easy target. I have this bad habit of believing what people tell me.

Luckily, there's no need to worry this time, because the games are broadcast in Central Standard Time. Three cheers for the Olympics and three cheers for truth.

We watched the Opening Ceremony last night and it was amazing. The music, dancing, and special effects were all incredible. Although, one oddity stood out. There were two pregnant women in the greeting line of native people. 

There were probably 100 or more people dressed in white sweaters and skirts or pants - depending on their gender - who lined a path for the athletes to enter the center. They danced around and at least two of them were pregnant. These two just happened to be in the background of the close up camera shots on athletes entering. So, you're looking at Shaun White and the top right section of the screen is a bouncing baby bump. Check out NBC's Olympics site to see the dancers. (I couldn't find a close up of the knocked up dancers.)   

I kept seeing pregnant bellies dancing around and it was very distracting. "How many medals has that person won? I couldn't concentrate because of that giant dancing pregnant belly."

Did anyone else see it, and does anyone else think that's weird? I remember being pregnant and I couldn't have danced like that for an hour at seven months. I would have passed out or gone into labor - both are disruptive.

On a more serious note, we send our heartfelt condolences to Nodar Kumaritashvili's family and teammates. We are truly heartbroken for their loss.

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